William Hasselberger

Associate Professor


William Hasselberger is an Associate Professor in the Institute for Political Studies (IEP) of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP), and the Director of the Digital Ethics Laboratory (LED) at UCP, a center for advanced study and interdisciplinary research on emerging technologies and their impact on society.  He is also vice-president for the UCP Research Ethics Commission for Technology, Social Sciences and the Humanities (CETCH), as well as a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia, USA.  

William does research in several areas including moral and political philosophy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology ethics, the psychology of ethical virtue and human well-being, and the philosophy of mind and action.  He has published in various academic journals, including Social Research, The European Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy, The Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, The New Atlantis, and Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. He was born in Ankara, Turkey, and has lived throughout Europe and North America


“Where lies the grail? AI, common sense, and human practical intelligence”

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). 2023. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences

O poder autoritário

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). 2022.
Book Chapter

Poder autoritário e as ameaças à democracia liberal

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). 2022. O poder autoritário e o desafio para as democracia liberais

Authoritarian power

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). 2021.

Authoritarian Power and the challenges to liberal democracy. Geopolitics, Economics and advanced technology

William Hasselberger (with Francisco Proença Garcia). 2021.

Can machines have common sense?

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). 2021. New Atlantis

Can Machines Have Common Sense?

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). 2021. The New Atlantis

Laboratory Happiness or Human Flourishing: The Empirical Science of Wellbeing in Phenomenological Perspective

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). 2021. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry

Ethics beyond computation: Why we can't (and shouldn't) replace human moral judgment with algorithms

William Hasselberger (with Hasselberger, W.). 2019. Social Research

Propositional Attitudes and Embodied Skills in the Philosophy of Action

William Hasselberger (with Hasselberger, W.). 2018. European Journal of Philosophy

Knowing More Than We Can Tell: Ethical Virtue, Perception, and Practical Skill

William Hasselberger 2017. Social Theory and Practice

Paul Bloomfield, The Virtues of Happiness: A Theory of the Good Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. vii + 232.

William Hasselberger (with WILLIAM HASSELBERGER). 2015. Utilitas

Review of Paul Bloomfield’s The Virtues of Happiness

William Hasselberger 2015. Utilitas

Review of Timm Triplett’s Morality’s Critics and Defenders

William Hasselberger 2015. Teaching Philosophy

Human agency, reasons, and inter-subjective understanding

William Hasselberger (with Hasselberger, W.). 2014. Philosophy

Human Agency, Reasons, and Inter-subjective Understanding

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). 2013. Philosophy

Agency, autonomy, and social intelligibility

William Hasselberger (with Hasselberger, W.). 2012. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly

Human Agency and the Ethics of Meaningful Work

William Hasselberger 2012. The Hedgehog Review

Review of Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

William Hasselberger 2011. The Hedgehog Review

Why AGI could not be (just) a tool

William Hasselberger (with Micah Lott). Inquiry (United Kingdom)

Will algorithms win medals of honor? Artificial intelligence, human virtues, and the future of warfare

William Hasselberger (with William Hasselberger). Journal of Military Ethics