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1 January
National Holiday
3 to 22 January
Evaluation period of the 2nd period of the Fall Semester (2nd and 3rd cycles)
3 to 17 January
Evaluation period of the 2nd period of the Fall Semester (1st cyle)
20 to 24 January
Evaluation period for substitution tests (for students authorized to substitute a test they missed - 1st cycle)
24 January
3rd edition Atlantic Conferences, Madeira
30 January to 01 February
Winter School - Hannah Arendt: Vida, Liberdade e Revolução
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Nova Cidadania Journal
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Nº 83
Also available in the following bookstores:
Almedina, Férin, Papelaria do Alto (Estoril), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Papelaria Sabóia (Estoril), Tabacaria do Alto (Estoril), Wook, Pingo Doce stores and directly from IEP-UCP!
2 December| The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Maria Teresa Cruz d'Aça Castel-Branco, for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "The Palestinian Refugee Problem: A Dead End To The Resolution Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 16.
3 December| The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Diogo Bracons Carneiro, for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "Franco Nogueira e a condução da Política Externa Portuguesa junto da Organização das Nações Unidas (1961-1969)". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 19 .
6 December
Cimeira de Segurança IEP
Photo Gallery
11 December| The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Ibrahima Ly, for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "The efficiency of EU and ECOWAS’ joint actions in Combatting Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism in West Africa: Nigeria, case of study". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 18.
The main objective of the IEP Alumni Club is to create lasting relationships by supporting the insertion in the job market, mentoring, collaboration among alumni, and through the organization of academic, cultural, social and recreational activities. It is our belief that this will contribute to the recognition of the IEP as an institution of excellence and the quality of its students.
Read the message by the President of the IEP Alumni Club, Henrique Burnay MA
More information about the IEP Alumni Club:
AVILLEZ, Maria João. Eu Estive Lá – 50 Anos de Democracia em conversas (Dom Quixote, 2024)
FERREIRA, Fátima Campos. Ramalho Eanes – Palavra que conta (Porto Editora, 2024)
KAPLAN, Robert. Waste Land: A World in Permanent Crisis (Random House, 2025)
MERKEL, Angela. Liberdade (Objectiva, 2024)
PILLAI, Manu. Gods, Guns and Missionaries: The Making of Modern Hindu Identity (Allen Alen, 2025)
POPE FRANCIS. The Autobiography (Viking, 2025)
SCHLÖGEL, KARL. The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World
STAROBIN, Paul. Putin’s Exiles: Their Fight for a Better Russia (Columbia, 2024)
WESTAD, Odd Arne e Chen Jian. The Great Transformation: China’s Road from Revolution to Reform (Yale, 2024)