IEP NEWSLETTER | February 2025





PAEEL 2025 CARTAZ versão final

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2 February
UCP National Day

3 February
Beginning of the classes of the 1st period of Spring Semester (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles)

3 February
Reception for new 2nd and 3rd cycles and ERASMUS students (5.30pm) 

7 February
Solemn Session - UCP National Day



                        Nova Cidadania Journal 
                           Subscribe and get the Journal at your door!

                 Nº 83

NC 83 _capa


Also available in the following bookstores: 
Almedina, Férin, Papelaria do Alto (Estoril), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Papelaria Sabóia (Estoril), Tabacaria do Alto (Estoril), Wook, Pingo Doce stores and directly from IEP-UCP!





22 January | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...​
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Catarina Sousa Pires, for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "A cultura como meio de Soft Power – a Onda Coreana em Portugal.". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 17.

Defesa Catarina Sousa Pires - foto

​23 January | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...​
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Renato de Campos Conti Tavares, for his Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "Portugal e o Acolhimento e Integração de Refugiados na Crise Migratória Europeia de 2015. O Papel do Estado e o Contributo do Serviço Jesuíta aos Refugiados (JRS)". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 16.

Defesa Tese Renato Tavares - foto 2

28 January | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...​
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Constança Marques Rocha, for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "O papel da Sérvia como eco da Rússia nos Balcãs Ocidentais: o uso das ameaças híbridas e o declínio da segurança euro-atlântica (2014-2024)". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 18.

Defesa Constança Rocha - foto

29 January | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...​
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Marta Filipa Matos Costa, for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "O Lobby da Energia Nuclear influenciou a Taxonomia para Investimentos Sustentáveis, no contexto do Pacto Ecológico Europeu?". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 16.

Defesa Tese Marta Costa - foto

30, 31 Janeiro e 1 de Fevereiro
Winter School IEP





The main objective of the IEP Alumni Club is to create lasting relationships by supporting the insertion in the job market, mentoring, collaboration among alumni, and through the organization of academic, cultural, social and recreational activities. It is our belief that this will contribute to the recognition of the IEP as an institution of excellence and the quality of its students.

Read the message by the President of the IEP Alumni Club, Henrique Burnay MA

More information about the IEP Alumni Club:


Borges, João Vieira e Pedro Aires Oliveira, Crepúsculo do Império: Portugal e as guerras de descolonização (Bertrand, 2024)
Harms, Victoria, The Making of Dissidents: Hungary’s democratic opposition and its Western friends, 1973–1998 (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2025)
Kaplan, Robert, Waste Land: A World in Permanent Crisis (Hurst, 2025)
Kastner, Jill e William Wohlforth, A Measure Short of War: A Brief History of Great Power Subversion (Oxford, 2025)
Ramos, Rui, Isabel Corrêa da Silva, Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro e José Luís Cardoso, Dicionário Crítico da Revolução Liberal (1820 – 1834) (Dom Quixote, 2025)
Rudd, Kevin, On Xi Jinping: How Xi’s Marxist nationalism is shaping China and the world (Oxford, 2025)
Wawro, Geoffrey, The Vietnam War: A military history (Basic, 2025)