2023 | 26 to 28 June
31st International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2023

"Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad & Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance"








Opening Session:

- Opening Address by Isabel Capeloa Gil

Opening Adress by Rita Seabra Brito

- Opening Address by João Carlos Espada

Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad

- Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad by Marc F. Plattner

Conservatisms: The Challenges Ahead

- Democratic Conservatism by Matthew Continetti

- The Future of Conservatism by Kevin Hickson

- Beyond Populism? The future of Conservatism in the United States and Canada by Clifford Orwin

Liberalisms: The Challenges Ahead

- Illiberal Progressivism and the Renewal of Democratic Politics by Matt Beech

- Three Challenges to Liberal Democracy by William Galston

- Liberalism and the Challenge of Populism by Alan S. Kahan

- Liberalisms: The Challenges Ahead by Ghia Nodia

George Washington Memorial Dinner: Does Washington Still Matter? Or, Is The 18th Century Still Relevant Today?

- George Washington Memorial Dinner, by António Rebelo de Sousa

- George Washington Memorial Dinner, by HE Randi Charno Levine


China and the West

- Cold War, Cold Peace, and the Colour Revolutions- Are we in a New Cold War with China and Russia? by Martin Hála

- The persistent threat of Sharp Power to Democracy by Christopher Walker

Ukraine, Russia and the West

- The moral foundations of rebuilding Ukraine by Dóra Győrffy

- From deterrence to containment: The Future of the International Order is decided in Ukraine by Luís de Almeida Sampaio

- The war in Ukraine and the European Security, by Nuno Severiano Teixeira

13th Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Europe Whole and Free

- 13th Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Europe Whole and Free by João Carlos Espada

- 13th Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Europe Whole and Free by Wilhelm Hofmeister

- 13th Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Europe Whole and Free by José Miguel Sardica

Women in Multilateralism: Contributions to Consensus Building

- Women in multilateralism: contributions to consensus building by Satu Suikkari-Kleven

- Women in multilateralism: contributions to consensus building by Laura Londén

- Women in multilateralism: contributions to consensus building by Marta Santos Pais

Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner: Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance

- Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner: Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance by Maria João Araújo

- 650 years of the Luso-British Alliance by José Ribeiro e Castro

- Introduction to Ambassador Chris Sainty by James W. Muller

- Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner: Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance by HE Chris Sainty

- Closing Remarks by Edward Godfrey


CIEP Breakout Session: “Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad”

- Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad by Cristina Sá Carvalho

- Liberal Democratic Consensus, Morals and Identity Politics as the
Inevitable Path of Neutral Moral Subjectivation - Will There be a Way
by Manuel Gaspar

The Future of NATO

- NATO’s Future: The Path Forward and the Resource Hurdle by Gary J. Schmitt

Brazil: The Challenges Ahead

- Brasil: mudanças em frente by Carlos Henrique Cardim

- Brazil: Challenges Ahead by Ricardo Sondermann

Luigi Einaudi Memorial Luncheon: The Liberalism of Luigi Einaudi

- The Liberalism of Luigi Einaudi by Angelo Maria Petroni

Celebrating the 650th anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance: on the specificity of Maritime Political Cultures

- Celebrating the 650th Anniversary Of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance: On the specificity of Maritime Political Cultures by João Carlos Espada

- Burke’s Conservative Ideas: Following the path of David Hume by Ivone Moreira

Faith and Liberty Lifetime Tribute

- Fé, Liberdade e as Pessoas que me fizeram by Pedro Roseta

Konrad Adenauer Memorial Dinner

- Rebuilding Democratic Consensus at Home and Abroad by Norbert Lammert


2022 | 27 to 29 June
30th International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2022

"Confronting the Authoritarian Challenge"

Banner EPF 2022 V2





Opening Session:

- Opening Address by Isabel Capeloa Gil

- Opening Address by Rita Seabra Brito

- Opening Address by Carlos Carreiras

- Opening Address by João Carlos Espada

Confronting the Authoritarian Challenge

- Confronting the Authoritarian Challenge by Marc F. Plattner

The Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: "Ukraine's Resistance and the Future of Democracy"

- Ukraine’s Resistance and the Future of Democracy by Carl Gershman

- Ukraine’s Resistance and Future of Democracy: Lessons Learned by Ghia Nodia

- Ukraine’s Resistance and the Future of Democracy by Wilhelm Hofmeister

Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner: "Churchill and Russia"

- Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner "Churchill and Russia" by Allen Packwood


Russia, Ukraine, and the West

- O Futuro da Europa joga-se na Ucrânia: Porquê e Como Conter a “Assertividade Estratégica” da Rússia by HE Luís de Almeida Sampaio

- Russia, Ukraine, and the West by Dóra Győrffy

Charles de Gaulle Memorial Luncheon: “In Defence of an Ethics of Deference in Unhappy Times“​

- Charles de Gaulle Memorial luncheon “In Defence of an Ethics of Deference in Unhappy Times” by Catherine Marshall

Joint Panel MA’s at the Catholic University of Portugal & Georgetown University: A Conversation on Democracy and Governance in a Context of Global Recession of Democracy

- Reflections on Democracy and Governance Studies at Georgetown University by Daniel Brumberg

Educating Thought Leaders in Democracy Studies in the Context of Democratic Erosion by Elton Skendaj

New Strategies for Peace in Cabo Delgado

Dinâmicas inter-religiosas com impacto na sociedade civil local em Cabo Delgado - A definição de um ponto de partida by Cristina Sá Carvalho 

- Sociedade Civil, Mulheres, e Construção da Paz em Cabo Delgado by Lucie Callèja

- O Conflito no Cabo Delgado na perspectiva da União Africana by Raul Tati

Brazil: "On the Bicentenary of Independence"

- Brazilian Organizations Favorable To The Free Economy by Alejandro Chafuen

Edmund Burke: “Edmund Burke on Confronting Authoritarianism–The Spirit and the Letter”

- Scraping the Barrel? Burke, Rousseau, and the Roots of Authoritarianism by Ian Crowe

- Burke, Rights of Man and Magna Carta by Ivone Moreira

George Washington Memorial Dinner: "George Washington–A Man for Our Time, and All Times“

- George Washington: A Man for Our Time—and All Times by William Galston


The Future of NATO

- NATO’s Past, Present & Future by Gary J. Schmitt

Luigi Einaudi Memorial Luncheon: "The Light That Fails? The Present Debate in Italy on the War in Ukraine“

- Luigi Einaudi Memorial Luncheon "The Light that Fails? The present debate in Italy on the war in Ukraine” by Giandomenica Becchio

Breakout Session, IEP Research Centre (CIEP): “Confronting the Authoritarian Challenge”

- The evolution of the political role of the Russian Orthodox Church (1991-2021) by Olena Kolodiy

Konrad Adenauer Memorial Dinner

- Confronting the authoritarian challenge by Ludger Gruber


Convenors Estoril Political Forum 2022:

Amichai Magen
IDC, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya
Anthony O’Hear
Editor, Philosophy, London
Catherine Marshall
CY Cergy Paris Université
Hartmut Mayer
Chairman, Europaeum, Oxford
James W. Muller
Chairman, International Churchill Society Academic Advisers;
University of Alaska
João Carlos Espada
IEP UCP, Lisbon
Marc Plattner
Coeditor Emeritus, Journal of Democracy, Washington, D.C.; Chairman, IEP International Advisory Board
Paul Flather
Raymond Plant
King’s College London and House of Lords, London
Zdzislaw Mach
Jagiellonian University , Krakow
Rita Seabra Brito
EPF Programme Director


2021 | 18 to 20 October
29th International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2021

"On the 80th Anniversary of the Atlantic Charter: Structuring a New Alliance"

Novo banner EPF 2021




Papers/discursos disponíveis:

Opening Address by Isabel Capeloa Gil

Opening Address by João Carlos Espada

Remarks by James W. Muller

Desafios Políticos Actuais em Angola: Hegemonia Partidária VS Alternância do Poder by Raul Tati

Os Desafios da Democracia: O Caso de Cabo Verde by Daniel Medina

The Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture by William Galston

Brasil e América Latina: O Desafio Democrático by António Roberto Batista

Russia and the West by Dóra Győrffy

We will always be a market by Ricardo Sondermann

A Churchillian Evening by Ricardo Sondermann

​China and International Order by John Owen

China, the West, and the rest in the eerily reminiscent "New Era" by Martin Hala

Remarks - From Idea to Reality: The Struggle to Build the National Endowment of Democracy by Kristin M. Kane

Adolfo Suárez Memorial Debate: Preparing for a post-Covid world: the view from Iberia and Latin America by José Miguel Sardica

Edmund Burke and the Dream of Cicero by Ian Crowe

The Future of a Rules Based International Order by Martin Ney

Charles de Gaulle Memorial luncheon: “Benjamin Constant and the spirit of Liberty” by Catherine Marshall


2020 | 19 to 22 October, Online Edition
28th International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2020

"New Authoritarian Challenges to Liberal Democracy"

Banner EPF 2020



Opening Session

Session's video

Opening Address by João Carlos Espada

The EU, the Atlantic Alliance and Liberal Democracy

"The EU, the Atlantic Alliance and Liberal Democracy" by Carl Gershman

The Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Is it Tomorrow Yet? Reflections on the role of the pandemic in Europe​

Session's video

"The Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Is it Tomorrow Yet? Reflections on the role of the pandemic in Europe" by Marc Plattner

"Tyrants Hate a Plague" by Ivan Krastev

Winston Churchill Memorial Lecture: Difficulties Mastered Are Opportunities Won: The UK, Portugal and Europe in 2020 and Beyond​

Session's video

Opening Address by João Carlos Espada

"Difficulties Mastered Are Opportunities Won: The UK, Portugal and Europe in 2020 and Beyond" by HE Christopher Sainty 

"Winston Churchill Memorial Lecture" by James Muller

A Tribute to Gertrude Himmelfarb​ (1922-2019)

Session's video

"Gertrude Himmelfarb (1922-2019): A personal tribute" by João Carlos Espada

"A Tribute to Gertrude Himmelfarb (1922-2019)" by Marc Plattner

"My Mother, Gertrude Himmelfarb" by William Kristol

Charles de Gaulle Memorial Lecture: La France et la souveraineté européenne / France and Europeansovereignty

Session's video

"France and European sovereignty" by HE Florence Mangin

China and the West​

Session's video

"China and the West" by Luísa Leal de Faria

"COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery: If the US and Europe Find the Will, Multilateralism Is the Way" by Susan Corke

George Washington Memorial Debate: America at a Crossroads – What Path Forward?​

Session's video

Welcome Address by António Neto da Silva

"The Enduring Vulnerability of Liberal Democracy" by William Galston

Threats from Russia and China: rebuilding the Atlantic Alliance​

Session's video

"Threats from Russia and China: Rebuilding the Atlantic Alliance" by HE Luís de Almeida Sampaio

"Threats from Russia and China: rebuilding the Atlantic Alliance" by Dóra Gyorffy

Peace, Freedom and Security in Asia: The Challenges Ahead

Session's video

"Security Debates in East Asia since the End of the Cold War" by Eun Jeung Lee

Edmund Burke and the Limits of Toleration

Session's video

"Edmund Burke’s Narrow Line between Toleration and Slavery" by Ian Crowe

"Burke's Elitist View of Political Representation" by Ivone Moreira

The Future of NATO | Round Table

Session's video

"NATO, Authoritarianism, and the West's Culture Wars" by John O'Sullivan

Brazil and Latin America: The Challenges Ahead

Session's video

"Ataques autoritários à democracia liberal e a situação no Brasil" by Bruno Garschagen

"Modern Monetary Theory and the Moral Equivalent of War" by Leonidas Zelmanovitz

"Almost – a short story of Brazil" by Ricardo Sondermann

Lusophone Africa: The Challenges Ahead

Session's video

"A Integração Africana, a Lusofonia e os Novos Desafios da Parceria UE-África" by João Conduto Jr.

"África: Que Lideranças Políticas para os desafios do Século XXI?" by Raúl Tati

Adolfo Suarez Memorial Debate: Iberoamerican Perceptions of the Future World Order

Session's video

"Iberoamerican Perceptions of the Future World Order" by Carlos Malamud

"Iberoamerican Perceptions of the Future World Order" by Javier Fernández-Lasquetty

"The Spanish Democracy in a Time of Pandemic" by Angel Rivero 

"Iberoamerican Perceptions of the Future World Order" by Julio Crespo-Maclennan

Closing Session

Session's video

"2+4 Prozess" by HE Martin Ney

"Presentation ASBAL Scholarship for IEP-UCP Students​" by Constantin Ostermann von Roth

Closing Address by João Carlos Espada


2019 | 24 to 26 June, Estoril, Palace Hotel 
27th International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2019

"The Transatlantic Alliance: 75 years After D-Day, 70 Years After the Founding of NATO, 30 Years After Tiananmen, 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall”


Fotografias Diponíveis

Banner EPF 2019


Opening Session
Opening Address por Isabel Capeloa Gil

Opening Address por Pedro Norton

Opening Address por Carlos Carreiras

Opening Address por João Carlos Espada

Opening Address por Rita Seabra Brito

Central and Eastern Europe: 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall 
"Thirty Years of Transition" por Dóra Győrffy

"Thirty Years after 1989 Revolutions: Roles Reversed?" por Ghia Nodia

Adolfo Suarez Memorial Debate: Iberoamerican perceptions of the future world order
"The NATO and democracy seen from Spain" por Angel Rivero

Lusophone Africa: The Challenges Ahead
"Desafios de Moçambique Após os Ciclones IDAI e Kenneth" por Alfandega Majoro

"Desafios e Perspectivas Políticas Actuais em Angola" por Raúl Tati

Tribute to Professor Adriano Moreira
Tributo ao Professor Adriano Moreira por Manuel Braga da Cruz

Oratio Sapientiae, Adriano Moreira

Security in Asia: The Challenges Ahead
"The Emerging Security Landscape in Southeast Asia" por Narayanan Ganesan

"The Security Architecture in East Asia" por Gen Kikkawa

The Future of NATO

"The Future of NATO" por HE Luís Almeida Sampaio 

Breakout Session IEP Research Centre (CIEP)

"Pope John Paul II, the Fall of the Berlin Wall and Europe’s future" por Cristina Sá Carvalho

"Towards a Strategic EU-NATO Security Partnership in Africa" por Marco Marsili

"A urgência na adaptação a novos desafios num complexo contexto" por Nuno Amado

Faith and Liberty Lifetime Tribute
Apresentação do Prémio João Alberto Pinto Basto

Discurso do Laureado João Alberto Pinto Basto

IEP Portugal grants the 2019 “Faith And Liberty Lifetime Tribute” on a special feast day, por Alejandro Chafuen

Konrad Adenauer Memorial Dinner
Discurso de Daniela Schlegel



2018 | 25 to 27 June, Estoril, Palace Hotel 
26th International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2018

Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism and Democracy

IEP and Estoril Political Forum in Forbes

The 26th annual edition of the Estoril Political Forum, on 25-27 June 2018, focused on the relationship between the national sentiment and cosmopolitan views — a crucial question that has recently returned to the centre of political and academic debates. Refusing the unfortunate dichotomy between nationalism and internationalism, we have encouraged a civilised conversation between different views on patriotism and cosmopolitanism, as well as on the the contribution of both to modern democracies.

Publicidade EPF 2018

in association with: 
The International Forum for Democratic Studies [Washington D.C.];Europaeum [Oxford]; Jagiellonian University [Kraków], NATO [Brussels],Pázmany Péter Catholic University [Budapest], Real Instituto Elcano[Madrid],  Royal Institute of Philosophy [London]; The Abigail Adams Institute [Boston]; The Catholic University of Mozambique, Universidad Francisco Marroquin [Guatemala], EPD - European Partnership for Democracy [Brussels]; IRI - International Republican Institute [Brussels]; Forum 2000 Foundation [Prague]


Brief Report

photo gallery


Opening Session: In remembrance of Ambassador Frank Carlucci by Carlos Carreiras,  João Carlos Espada and Rita Seabra Brito

Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism and Democracy by Amichai Magen, Daniel Johnson and Ghia Nodia

The Dahrendorf Memorial lecture "Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism and Democracy", by William Galston ,  Anthony O'Hear and Marc Plattner

Raymond Aron Memorial Dinner "Recalling Raymond Aron and George Orwell", by Antoine Capet

"Brazil and Latin America" by Luiz Felipe Pondé and Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Luidgi Einaudi Memorial Luncheon "The Thirth Republic in Italy: the last season of an ungovernable democracy?" by Giandomenica Becchio

Adolfo Suarez Memorial Debate: Europe: Populism and Democracy in Europe by Angel Rivero

"Africa: The Rising Continent" by Alfândega ManjoroDomingos Simões Pereira and Raul Tati

After Dinner Conversation 'Isaiah Berlin and James Bond at the Estoril Palace Hotel', by Henry Hardy

George Washington Memorial Luncheon "Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism and Democracy: George Washington And The Jews", by Clifford Orwin

Faith and Liberty Lifetime Tribute to Fernando Magalhães Crespo by Manuel Braga da Cruz 

Konrad Adenauer Memorial Dinner by Wilhelm Hofmeister

​2017 | 26 to 28 June, Estoril, Palace Hotel 
25th International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2017

Defending the Western Tradition of Liberty Under Law

In 2017, the Estoril Political Forum, which evolved from the International Meeting in Political Studies launched in the Arrábida Convent in 1993, will celebrate its 25th anniversary. This year will also mark the 20th anniversary of the Catholic University's Institute for Political Studies, whose founding in 1996/97 was inspired by the Arrábida meetings.

The title of this year's meeting, “Defending the Western Tradition of Liberty Under Law” expresses the commitment that has animated both the Forum and the Institute since their inception. As always, the meeting will bring together a broad range of political perspectives. It will seek to address new challenges while recalling the old lessons bequeathed to us by the "Western Tradition of Liberty Under Law.”

Estoril Political Forum 2017 - Cartaz

In association with: The International Forum for Democratic Studies [Washington D.C.]; Europaeum [Oxford]; Jagiellonian University [Kraków], NATO [Brussels], Pázmany Péter Catholic University [Budapest], Real Instituto Elcano [Madrid], Royal Institute of Philosophy [London]; The Abigail Adams Institute [Boston]; The Catholic University of Mozambique


Opening Session: A Tribute to Mário Soares - Carlos Carreiras; João Carlos Espada and Rita Seabra Brito
The Weakening of the West? - Catherine Marshall; Daniel Johnson and Larry Diamond
The Challenge to Europe and the West - James W. Muller, Lord Plant of Highfield
Rediscovering Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) - Jeffrey Nelson and Karlis Bukovskis
Brazil: The Challenges Ahead - Paulo Roberto de Almeida and Bruno Garschagen
Tocqueville's Enduring Lessons of Liberty - Dominic Burbidge
The Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture "Troubling Times for Liberal Democracy" -  Marc Plattner’s Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture will be published in the October edition of the Journal of Democracy; José Miguel Sardica
Challenges to Liberty around the World - Yeo Lay Hwee
Faith and Liberty Lifetime Tribute - Isabel Capeloa Gil, Guilherme de Almeida e Brito e Father João Seabra

2016 | 27 to 29 June, Estoril,  Palace Hotel
24th International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2016

Democracy and its Enemies: New Threats, New Possibilities
In association with the International Forum for Democratic Studies, Washington, DC

The title of this year's meeting is reminiscent of the famous book by Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, published in 1945. The book was an energetic defense of liberal democracy and Western civilization against its totalitarian enemies, both from the revolutionary left and the revolutionary right, communism and national-socialism.

This edition is inspired by the same commitment to liberal democracy and the West that inspired Popper's book more than 70 years ago. We will discuss and analyse the resurgence of authoritarianism around the world, following a persistent alert that is being issued by one of the main partners of the conference, the International Forum for Democratic Studies that publishes the distinguished quarterly Journal of Democracy. We will discuss and analyse how should the West and its multilateral institutions - first of all NATO and the European Union - respond to these new threats. And we will discuss also how these new threats and possibilities present themselves among the English-speaking, the Portuguese-speaking and the Spanish-speaking peoples. 

EPF 2016 - Cartaz


Opening Session: A Tribute To Maria Barroso - Carlos Carreiras, Maria da Glória Garcia, João Carlos Espada and Rita Seabra Brito
The Authoritarian Resurgence - Christopher Walker, Lilia Shevtsova and Sarah Cook
Faith And Liberty Lifetime Tribute - Father Roque de Aguiar Cabral
Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner - João Carlos Espada
Estoril Institute for Global Dialogue - Jorge Braga de Macedo
Luigi Einaudi Memorial Luncheon - Alberto Mingardi
Jan Karski's Statue Inauguration - Tzipora Rimon
Jan Karski Memorial Dinner - HE Bronislaw Misztal and Krzysztof Szczerski
The US-UK Special Relationship: Indispensable Partners In Defending Democracy - Dominic Burbidge
Adolfo Suarez Memorial Debate | Democracy And Its Enemies: Contemporary Challenges - José Miguel Sardica and Mauricio Rojas
George Washington Memorial Lunch | Marc F. Plattner
Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture | Free Speech: Ten Principles For A Connected World - João Carlos Espada

2015 | 22 to 24 June, Estoril,  Palace Hotel 
23rd International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2015

800 Years After the Magna Carta: Law, Liberty and Power

EPF 2015 - Cartaz


Openning Session - Pedro NortonJoão Carlos Espada
Magna Carta Today - Anthony O'Hear
Round Table - Clifford Orwin, Danilo Petranovich
Raymond Aron Memorial Debate - Nicolas Vaicbourdt
The Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture - João Carlos Espada
After the Eastern Partnership Summit: Where are the Challenges? - Daniel Johnson
Luigi Einaudi Memorial Lunch "Freedom and Dynamism" - Sebastiano Bavetta
Jan Karski Momorial Event - Tzipora Rimon
200 Years After Waterloo - José Miguel Sardica
Faith and Liberty  Lifetime Tribute - Alejandro Chafuen; Manuel Braga da Cruz; Mário Pinto and Father Lino Maia
Brazil: Challenges of an Emerging Power - Frederico Hilzendeger and Rodrigo Tellechea
Africa: The Rising Continent - Manuel de Araújo
Asia:Prospects for Democracy - José Manuel Félix Ribeiro ; Eugénio Viassa Monteiro
George Washington Memorial Lunch "25th Anniverrsary of the Journal of Democracy" - Marc F. Plattner

2014 |22 to 24 June, Estoril,  Palace Hotel
22nd International Meeting in Political Studies | Estoril Political Forum 2014

Reconsidering the Third Wave of Democratization: Forty Years After the Portuguese Revolution (1974); Twenty-five Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)

EPF 2014 - Cartaz

Papers: Maria da Glória Garcia Welcome Address / João Carlos Espada Welcome Address / Rita Seabra Brito Welcome Address / Adam Rotfeld / Anthony O'Hear / Carlos Carreiras / Catherine Marshall / Constantin Ostermann von Roth / Francisco Pinto Balsemão / Fernando Ulrich / Kálmán Pócza / Marc F. Platnner / Nuno Vieira Matias / Ricardo Heller / Robert Sherman / Zdzislaw Mach

Faith and Liberty Lifetime Tribute
Maria da Glória Garcia / Alejandro Chafuen / Manuel Braga da Cruz / Alexandre Soares dos Santos

​24 to 26 June 2013, Estoril, Palace Hotel 
21st Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos | Estoril Political Forum 2013

Governance, Leadership and Democracy

EPF 2013 - Cartaz

Papers: Allen Packwood / Anthony O'Hear / Carlos Carreiras / Gordon Wood / João Carlos Espada / João Ferreira do Amaral / John O'Sullivan / Manuel Braga da Cruz /  Marc Plattner / Michael Pinto-Duschinsky / Pedro Norton Viriato Soromenho Marques / Viriato Soromenho Marques (Power Point)  

The following were the IEP summer course themes (some of which have since been published in book form) in recent years:

25 to 27 June 2012, Estoril, Palace Hotel
20th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos | Estoril Political Forum 2012
Open Societies, Open Economies and Citizenship

27 to 29 June 2011, Estoril, Palace Hotel
19th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos | Estoril Political Forum 2011
The Future of the Free World

24 to 26 June 2010, Estoril, Palace Hotel
18th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
Political Dimensions of the Economic Crisis: The Future of the Market Economy and Democracy

25 to 27 June 2009, Estoril, Palace Hotel
17th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
NATO 1949-2009: The Future of the Free World

26 to 28 June 2008, Estoril, Palace Hotel
16th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
Human Rights Today: 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


27 to 30 July 2007, Estoril, Palace Hotel
15th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
The Treaty of Rome at 50: The Future of Europe


28 de Junho a 1 de Julho de 2006, Estoril, Palace Hotel
14th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
Democracy and the Nation State in a Global World

29 June to 02 July 2005, Estoril
13th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
The Trans-Atlantic Relationship in a Global World

07 July to 10 de July 2004, Cascais
12th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
Ideas of Europe and the Trans-Atlantic Relationship

30 June to 05 July 2003, Cascais
11th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
New Challenges to Liberal Democracy in a Global World

03 to 05 de November 2002, Cascais
10th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
Culture Wars in the West

11 to 14 November 2001, Cascais
9th Encontro Internacional de Estudos Políticos
Civic Life in Market Societies 

16 to 20 October 2000, Sintra
8th Encontro Internacional de Teoria e Ciência Política
Left and Right: Ideological Divides in the 21st Century

04 to 08 de October 1999, Arrábida
7th Curso em Teoria Política e Ciência Política
Pluralism and without Relativism: remembering Sir Isaiah Berlin

05 to 09 October 1998, Arrábida
6th Curso em Teoria Política e Ciência Política
Liberalism, Old and New

06 to 10 October 1997, Arrábida
5th Curso em Teoria Política e Ciência Política
Modernity and Its Critics

30 September to 04 October 1996, Arrábida
4th Curso em Teoria Política e Ciência Política
Liberty, Virtue and Self-Interest

09 to 13 October 1995, Arrábida
3rd Curso em Teoria Política e Ciência Política
Citizenship and Civil Society

03 to 07 October 1994, Arrábida
2nd Curso em Teoria Política e Ciência Política
Theories of Justice: Liberty, Equality, Opportunity

18 to 21 October 1993, Arrábida
1st Curso em Teoria Política e Ciência Política
Liberalism or Communitarianism?