Workshops CIEP | Call for Papers
CIEP invites all Researchers (Integrated Researchers, Associate and PhD Thesis in Progress IEP) to submit a paper to center’s coordination to be presented in seminars regularly held during the academic year. The seminars will be organized and conducted in two research groups: Theory Policy and Comparative Politics (TPPC) coordinated by Manuel Braga da Cruz and International Relation, Security and Defence (RISD) coordinated by Lívia Franco.
Working Method of the Seminars:
- 1 paper - Which may be a working paper or an article recently published - presented in a seminar and that shall be circulated by e-mail before the seminar;
- All papers should be submitted to CIEP’s Coordination that will decide the schedule after consultation with the coordinator of the respective Research Group.
Papers Submission
In case you are interested in submitting a paper, a message shall be sent, specifying the Research Group, to the e-mail
The seminars will take place on Wednesdays, from 5pm to 6.20pm.