Centre for European Studies

The Centre for European Studies of the Institute of Political Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University is a centre dedicated to research, debate and teaching on Europe and its international relations. Under the leadership of Dr José Manuel Durão Barroso, former President of the European Commission, the centre fosters a vibrant and dynamic intellectual environment, reflecting the vast experience and vision of its director.

The centre organises a range of activities, including open classes, seminars and conferences, which address crucial topics such as European foreign policy, security and defence, and transatlantic relations. Guest speakers include leading figures such as Herman Van Rompuy, Catherine Ashton and João Vale de Almeida, who share their perspectives and experiences with students and researchers.

In addition, the centre hosts Dialogues on Europe, where Dr Barroso talks to influential personalities such as Alex Stubb, Carlos Moedas, Pedro Passos Coelho and António Costa, providing a platform for enriching debates on the future of the European Union.

With a strong commitment to academic excellence and practical relevance, the IEP-Catholic Centre for European Studies is a privileged space for training leaders and experts in European affairs, contributing to a deeper and more informed understanding of the complex dynamics shaping contemporary Europe

Mr. José Manuel Durão Barroso gave his Inaugural Lecture at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa on February 26, 2015, at a Ceremony presided by our Rector.

His collaboration is a great honour for us and a tribute to our dear friend Professor Ernâni Lopes, founder of the Institute for European Studies - which has been integrated to IEP, shortily after his death on December 2010.

Iniciatives of the IEP's Centre for European Studies:

2022 March 17
Open Class Ricardo Borges de Castro
União Europeia: a aprender a linguagem do poder

2022 March 15
Open Class Amb. Paulo Vizeu Pinheiro
De Yeltsin a Putin – A Rússia que conheci

2022 March 14
Open Class João Gomes Cravinho
A Identidade Europeia de Segurança e Defesa

2021 February 18
Open Class Amb. João Vale de Almeida 
The Challenges of post-BREXIT: the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Transatlantic Relations

2021 February 17
Open Class Baroness Catherine Ashton
The EEAS - From its origins to the current EU's Foreign Policy; A Case Study

2021 February 15 
European Studies Seminar with the participation of Hugo Sobral
The European Union and International Relations

2020 June 2
Open Class Herman Van Rompuy
The European Union and International Relations

2020 May 25
Conversas sobre a Europa
José Manuel Durão Barroso in a dialogue with Alex Stubb

2020 May 23
Conversas sobre a Europa
José Manuel Durão Barroso in a dialogue with Miguel Poiares Maduro

2020 May 22
Conversas sobre a Europa
José Manuel Durão Barroso in a dialogue with Hugo Sobral

2019 October 22
Conference Portuguese Foreign Policy
Ambassador Pedro Costa Pereira

2019 October 03
Conversas sobre a Europa 
José Manuel Durão Barroso in a dialogue with Carlos Moedas

2019 May 09
Conversas sobre a Europa
José Manuel Durão Barroso in a dialogue with Pedro Passos Coelho
Photo gallery

2019 April 03
Book Presentation
"Eleições na União Europeia"
Photo Gallery

2018 May 04
Lunch-Lecture Amb. Álvaro Mendonça e Moura

Portugal, União Europeia e as Nações Unidas
Photo Gallery

2017 December 15
Open Class Amb. João de Vallera

photo gallery

2017 October 10
Open Class Silvana Koch-Mehrin

Women in Politics
photo gallery

2017 April 21
Open Class Hugo Sobral
A política Externa Europeia - Alguns estudos de caso

2017 March 27
Lunch-Lecture Paulo Portas

Globalização e Desglobalização - A Posição da Europa face à nova liderança Norte Americana
photo gallery

2016 March 21
Lecture Amb. João Vale de Almeida

It's Complicated - A União Europeia e a Organização das Nações Unidas num Mundo Multipolar
photo gallery

2016 March 15
Lunch-Lecture Karel de Gucht

The Geopolitics of Trade - Trade is the continuation of politics by other means
photo gallery

2016 January 25
Lunch-Lecture Johannes Laitenberger

Priorities in the field of European Competition Policy
photo gallery

2015 December 14
Lunch-Lecture Joaquín Almunia

The Economic and Monetary Union and the EU's Response to the Financial Crisis
photo gallery

2015 October 14
Lecture Fernando Frutuoso de Melo

Os desafios da política de cooperação ao desenvolvimento da União

2015 October 13
Lunch-Lecture Catherine Day
In the eye of the storm - the role of the EU's institutions in shaping Europe's future
photo gallery