Promoting the blue economy and entrepreneurship
The new ocean economy and the blue growth, in the context of the European Union and the Maritime Strategy, have created an opportunity for economic development and employment, and new challenges in the context of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainability.
The expectations of economic blue growth and the new blue careers, imply that, at its base, there is a solid multidisciplinary training and knowledge, from maritime law to marine sciences, from management to entrepreneurship and innovation, based also on real case studies.
Aware of this need for various areas of knowledge and expertise in the new blue economy, Universidade Católica Portuguesa and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, decided to create an international post-graduate course called " Sea Science and Business Innovation", containing a curricular part that covers Law and Policies of the Sea, Sciences, namely Maritime spatial planning and environmental assessment, Biotechnology, Aquaculture, Energies and Mineral Resources and a last component dedicated to training for entrepreneurship.
The course is taught remotely (zoom) in English and ends with a 1 week presential training for blue entrepreneurship (bootcamp), in which trainees will have the opportunity to develop an innovative project of entrepreneurship to be presented in a final hackathon, in Lisbon at one of the promoting institutions.