By a Decree dated 1st September 1997, and following deliberation by the Upper Council on 4th July of the same year, the then Magnus Chancellor of the Catholic University of Portugal, António Ribeiro, Patriarch Cardinal of Lisbon, founded the Institute of Political Studies: "a teaching and research unit, headquartered in Lisbon, that shall undertake the development of the field of political studies at the university."

The same decree furthermore stipulated that the Master’s Degree in Political Theory and Science, launched in 1996/97 and under the direct supervision of the Rectory, would be integrated into this Institute.

Similar to that determined for its other core units, the University’s Institute of Political Studies is endowed with its own regulatory framework and its own management structure with a Director, supported by the Management Council and a Scientific Council.

A word of thanks is due to a person who has played and who shall continue to play a fundamental role in the success of this project and, in truth, its very founder, but who, out of his characteristic generosity and positive stubbornness, has always declined positions and recognition: our very dear friend, Professor Mário Pinto.

25 year IEP Booklet
Capa Livro - Booklet IEP 25 anos