IEP NEWSLETTER | November 2019



events calendar

11 Nov.

Tribute to Gago Coutinho at the Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa at 3.00pm - intervention by Professor Adriano Moreira 



21 Nov.

International Affairs Network launch and presentation of the publication: After B(rexit) Day - Depois do Dia B(rexit)



21-23 Nov. 

Europaeum Conference in Geneva: "Europe in the age of Xi and Trump"

Programme Here 



25 Nov.

Career Day - Program will be available soon



28 Nov.

Intervention by Professor João Carlos Espada at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences at 3.00pm, entiteled: "Churchill: Caminhando com o Destino"


academic calendar

01 Nov.

National Holiday

05 Nov.

Beginning of classes of the first period of Fall Semester

25 Nov.

Career Day

it happened last MONTH

03 Oct. | "Conversas sobre a Europa" -  José Manuel Durão Barroso in a dialogue with Carlos Moedas

Conversas sobre a Europa 3/10/2019


11 and 12 Oct. | Intensive Seminar with Prof. Ian Crowe, Belmont Abbey College

Ian Crowe Seminar


17 Oct. | 5th Annual Winston Churchill Memorial Lecture & Dinner

The 5th Annual Winston Churchill Memorial Lecture and Dinner/Formal Opening of the Academic Year took place on the 17th of October, at Palácio da Cidadela de Cascais, with the High Patronage of His Excellency the President of Republic. The lecture, entitled "Churchill: Walking with Destiny", was given by Professor Andrew Roberts, distinguished historian and author of the most recently acclaimed biography of Winston Churchill, published in English in 2018 and already translated into 10 languages. At the time, the Portuguese edition was presented (Churchill: Walking with Destiny, LeYa, 2019).

The Lecture was attended by His Excellency UK Ambassador Christopher Sainty and his wife, Ambassador Sarah Helen Sainty, who very much honored us.

It was also an honor to have the presence of the Vice Rector of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Professor Miguel Athayde Marques.

The event also had the support of the Cascais Town Hall, as well as the participation of the British Historical Society of Portugal, Churchill Society of Portugal, Oxford Society of Portugal and Royal British Club.

Director's Speech, Professor João Carlos Espada


Cartaz final WC 2019

22 Oct. | Portuguese Foreign Policy Conference 

Conferência CEE - PEP


29 Oct. | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...

The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends António Pedro Ramalho Antunes Lopes Barreiro, MA, on defending his MA Degree (Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense) dissertation on the theme "Do Nominalismo à Modernidade: Contributos de Guilherme de Okham para o Pensamento Político Moderno", at the Viva Voce held on October 29. The candidate was unanimously approved with the final classification of 19, Summa cum Laude.

Jury: Prof. Hugo Chelo, Prof. Miguel Morgado, Prof. Diogo Pires Aurélio


Tese António Barreiro

The main objective of the IEP Alumni Club is to create lasting relationships by supporting the insertion in the job market, mentoring, collaboration among alumni, and through the organization of academic, cultural, social and recreational activities. It is our belief that this will contribute to the recognition of the IEP as an institution of excellence and the quality of its students.

Read the President's full message here. 


IEP Alumni Weekend - "Clássicos de Outono"

“Clássicos de Outono” is a programme entirely thought for IEP-UCP alumni. Functionning as a seminar, but not with the same formalities as an academic programme, the idea is to revisit the classics in a relaxed environment, in which the reading and conversation will be directed by Miguel Monjardino.

The programme will take place during the weekend from November 22 to November 24, at Convento da Arrábida. 

Registrations are limited to 14 Alumni.





"Palestra Anual Alexis de Tocqueville 1998-2018" (Alexis de Tocqueville Annual Lecture 1998-2018) Book

Palestra Anual Alexis de Tocqueville 1998-2018

Essentially, the book brings together the Alexis de Tocqueville Annual Lectures, which began in 1998. These are formal ceremonies to award diplomas which are preceded by a lecture by a distinguished guest speaker and followed by a formal dinner.

The name Alexis de Tocqueville may not be widely known, but it was -and continues to be- a name that expresses with particular elegance and distinction the project dreamt by IEP-UCP: a project of university autonomy, of orderly and quiet defense of freedom, of refusal of what Tocqueville called a "sterile conflict between Old Regime and Revolution" or "perpetual oscillation between serfdom and abuse".

- Price: 29.90€ - 


On sale! Nova Cidadania Journal nº 69

Subscribe and get the Journal at your door!

Capa NC70

Also available in the following bookstores: 

Almedina, Livraria Jurídica, Férin, Papelaria do Alto (Estoril), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Wook, Pingo Doce stores and directly from IEP-UCP!


subscription form 


20-year IEP Booklet

Capa Booklet 20 Anos IEP


As part of the 20th Anniversary celebrations of the Institute for Political Studies of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, we are pleased to launch the "IEP-UCP 20-Year Booklet" which provides a retrospective of what we have come to do.

On sale at IEP: 5€






During the past month, IEP acquired for its library the following books:

  • Cameron, David. For the Record. United Kingdom: William Collins, 2019.
  • Franco, Paulo, ed. Leo Strauss on Hegel. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019.
  • Herzog, Tamar. A Short History of European Law, Civil Law, Common Law. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 2019.
  • Krastev, Ivan and Stephen Holmes. The Light That Failed: A Reckoning. United Kingdom: Penguin, 2019.
  • Longerich, Peter. Hitler: A Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • McKinstry, Leo. Attlee and Churchill: Allies in War, Adversaries in Peace. London: Atlantic Books, 2019.
  • McManus, Matthew. The Rise of Post-Modern Conservatism: Neoliberalism, Post-Modern Culture, and Reactionary Politics. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
  • Moore, Charles. Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography, Volume Three: Herself Alone. United Kingdom: Allen Lane, 2019.
  • Simms, Brendan. Hitler: Only the World Was Enough. United Kingdom: Allen Lane, 2019.
  • Reinsch II, Richard M. com Peter Augustine Lawler. A Constitution in Full: Recovering the Unwritten Foundation of American Liberty. Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2019.
  • Garcia, Francisco Proença. A guerra e a estratégia revisitadas: A nova polemologia. Novas Edições Académicas, 2019.


Furthermore, during the past month, the following books were offered to IEP's library:

  • Kissinger, Henry. Diplomacy. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 | Offered by Prof. Sónia Ribeiro
  • Preble, Christopher A. Peace, War, and Liberty. Washington D.C.: Cato Institute, 2019 | Offered by Prof. Christopher A. Preble
  • Tavares, António. Administração Pública Portuguesa. Lisbon: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2019 | Offered by Dr. João Costa 
  • Faria, Cáudia and Graça Alves. Das Ilhas, a Primeira. Funchal: CEHA, 2018 | Offered by Dr. Cláudia Faria and Dr. Graça Alves
  • Carpenter, Galen Ted. Gullible Superpower. Washington D.C.: Cato Institute, 2019 | Offered by Prof. Ted Galen Carpenter
