Cristiano Cabrita

Invited Assistant Professor


Doctorate (summa cum laude) in Political Science and International Relations from the Institute of Political Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon. He holds a Master's degree in International Relations from the Lusíada University of Lisbon, a Postgraduate Diploma in European Studies from the Institute of European Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon and a Degree in International Relations from the Lusíada University of Lisbon. He was a Visiting Student at St Anthony's College, Oxford University, UK.

Cristiano Cabrita is an Invited Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University and a Researcher at the Research Centre of the Institute of Political Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University (CIEP). He was also a researcher at the Lusíada Centre for Research in International Politics and Security (CLIPIS) and an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Lusíada University of Lisbon, where he taught Introduction to International Relations and International Relations Theory on the IR degree course, and Major Contemporary Problems on the IR Master's degree course.

His research and teaching focus on the following areas: US foreign policy, contemporary international politics, international relations theory and international security studies. He is the author of the book ‘Neoconservatism and US Foreign Policy’ and the article ‘Why Democracy is its Own Worst Enemy?’, among various national and foreign publications. He has spoken at numerous conferences, congresses and seminars and collaborates regularly with various media organisations.

He is Vice-Chairman of Albufeira Municipal Council and was a member of the Portuguese Parliament in the current Legislature (XVI).