Scholarships and Awards

Undergraduate Degree in Political Science and International Relations Awards

IEP awards the following Merit Scholarships that apply to all applicants of the Political Science and International Relations Programmes.

Merit Scholarships are awarded to candidates admitted and enrolled in the 1st cycle programme of the IEP and to students in subsequent years (who have fully completed the curriculum for the corresponding year – 60 ECTS):

Average equal to or greater than 17.5 = 100% tuition fee exemption 
Average equal to or greater than 17 = 50% tuition fee exemption 
Average equal to or greater than 16.5 = 25% tuition fee exemption

The awards are delivered during the Annual Alexis de Tocqueville Ceremony.

Awards of Excellence

Every year, the Institute for Political Studies bestows the Award of Excellence on:

  • All candidates accepted onto IEP degree programmes with an average grade equal to or above 17 (seventeen) in 20 (twenty);
  • To the three best students on each degree programme whenever obtaining average degree grades equal to or above 17 (seventeen) in 20 (twenty).

The Excellence Award involves exemption from university fees equal to the ECTS foreseen for the curricular programme recommended for the subsequent academic year.

Alexis de Tocqueville Award

The best undergraduate student from each Degree Programme (Political Science and International Relations) is awarded the Alexis de Tocqueville Award that consists of the possibility of, either during the following academic year or on graduating and without any additional cost, of undertaking an internship through the IEP Internship Office in accordance with the respective regulatory framework in effect or, where wishing to continue with their studies in the following academic year on the IEP Master’s or Doctoral Degree programs, take receipt of a grant equivalent to 10 ECTS.

Lord Acton Award

This award distinguishes the best students on the Political Science and International Relations Undergraduate Programme that in the previous year had not only completed the totality of ECTS credits set down for the respective curricular programme but also obtained a weighted average grade of 15/20.

Master's Degree Awards in Political Science and International Relations

The awards are delivered during the Alexis de Tocqueville Ceremonial.

The Annual Best Master's Degree Performance:

  • The core purpose of this award is to honour the best student on the curricular phase of the Master’s Degrees programme;
  • The award may only be attributed to students who have concluded the appropriate number of ECTS required to finish this first program phase in the respective year of the award and whether having completed this minimum ECTS number in the January and June evaluation periods (for example: the 2010 award may only be awarded to students completing 78 ECTS in the periods of evaluation taking place in that year, 2010);
  • The only award attribution criterion consists of the average classification obtained from the subjects and seminars making up the ECTS taken within the respective periods of study;
  • Eligible for this award are students enrolled in the Master’s Degree programme for up to four semesters and their respective conclusion of the taught programme;
  • All students are potentially eligible for this award whenever enrolled on Master’s Degrees on the date of its announcement.
MA in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies

The awards are delivered during the Alexis de Tocqueville Ceremonial.

Doctoral Degree's Awards in Political Science and International Relations

Best Doctoral Degree Student Award:

  • This award is designed to honour the best student from the taught phase of the Doctoral Degree program;
  • The award may only be attributed to students who have concluded the appropriate number of ECTS required to finish this first programme phase in the respective year of the award and whether having completed the minimum ECTS number in the January and June evaluation periods (for example: the 2010 award may only be awarded to students completing 90 ECTS in the periods of evaluation taking place in that year, 2010);
  • The only award attribution criterion consists of the average classification obtained from the subjects and seminars making up the ECTS taken within the respective periods of study;
  • Eligible for this award are students enrolled in the Doctoral Degree programme for up to four semesters and having completed the respective taught programme;
  • All students are potentially eligible for this award whenever enrolled on Doctoral Degrees on the date of its announcement.