Ivone Moreira

Invited Assistant Professor


Ivone Moreira has a PhD in Modern Philosophy by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Currently she is Assistant Professor at the IEP - Institute for Political Studies of the same university, where she is a coordinator of the Masters program in Political Science and International Relations. Ivone Moreira published in the fields of Political Philosophy, Modern Philosophy and Portuguese Philosophy, both in Portugal and abroad. She is a member of the Research Centre of the Institute for Political Studies and an associate member of the Centre for Philosophy Studies and a member of Scientific Society of Universidade Católica Portuguesa.


Thinking about the law with Edmund Burke

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2024. Religions
Book Chapter

António Paím

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2023. Filosofia luso-brasileira
Book Chapter

Burke e o conservadorismo de tradição inglesa - o diálogo com David Hume

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2023. 650.º aniversário da aliança luso-britânica
Book Chapter

Burke, rights of man and the Magna Carta

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2023. International meetings in political studies (est. 1993)

Edmund Burke

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2022. Dicionário Global dos Direitos Humanos – Dignipédia Global
Book Chapter


Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2022. Edmund Burke, uma defesa da sociedade natural

Thomas Paine

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2022. Dignipédia global

Thomas Paine

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2022. Estudos Kantianos

A view on Burke's elitist doctrine of political representation

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2021. Sudies in Burke and His Time

Direitos do homem - parte I e II

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2021. Clássicos
Book Chapter

Edmund Burke as a critic of utopia

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2020. Conservative critics of political utopia

A Filosofia Política de Edmund Burke

Ivone Moreira 2019. É-Realizações

Rousseau's General Will and the risk of tyranny

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2019. Sudies in Burke and His Time

Suárez in Eighteenth Century British political thought. Burke’s political thought and Suárez’s inheritance / Suárez en el pensamiento político inglés del siglo dieciocho. El pensamiento político de Burke y la herencia de Suárez


The french revolution as a cultural revolution

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2016. Images of europe past, present, future

Reflexões sobre a Revolução em França

Ivone Moreira 2015. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Book Chapter

"Análise da Solidão das Consciências e da Sua Relação Essencial em Le Mal et la Souffrance de Louis Lavelle" in: Ontologia e Praxis em Louis Lavelle,

Book Chapter

Análise da Solidão das Consciências e da Sua Relação Essencial em Le Mal et la Souffrance de Louis Lavelle

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Santos Moreira). 2013. Ontologia e Praxis em Louis Lavelle
Book Chapter

Rousseau and Burke and The Concept of General Will

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Santos Moreira). 2013. Rousseau e as ciências

A Filosofia Política de Edmund Burke

Book Chapter

As Reflections on the Revolution in France de Edmund Burke e a resposta de Thomas Paine em The Rights of Man

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Santos Moreira). 2010. A Ideia de Europa de Kant a Hegel
Book Chapter

“As Reflections on the Revolution in France de Edmund Burke e a resposta de Thomas Paine em The Rights of Man”, in A Ideia de Europa de Kant a Hegel


O Pensamento Pedagógico de António Sérgio

Book Chapter

"Edmund Burke and the Natural Law" in Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches

Book Chapter

Edmund Burke and the natural law

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Santos Moreira). 2008. Natural law: historical, systematic and juridical approaches
Book Chapter

“O Justo Preconceito em Edmund Burke” in Actas do Colóquio O Estatuto do Singular. Estratégias e Perspectivas


O justo preconceito em Edmund Burke

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Santos Moreira). 2006. O Estatuto do Singular: Estratégias e Perspectivas

Sociedade política e contrato social

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2006. Quaestio Iuris

Sociedade política e contrato social

Ivone Moreira (with Ivone Moreira). 2005. Cultura