IEP Public Evaluations - PhD Thesis Project, June 17

Thursday, June 4, 2020 - 13:38

The Institute for Political Studies of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa is pleased to announce the public defense evaluation for the PhD Thesis Project that will be held (online):

If you wish to attend, please register for the following e-mail:

June 17 – 2.30pm

Student: José Serrano MA
Dissertation Title: "Brasil: Potência dominante do Atlântico Sul. Uma análise prospectivas"
Jury’s Constitution:
Supervisor: Gen. António Fontes Ramos 
Co-supervisor: Prof. João Pereira Coutinho 
Prof. Sónia Ribeiro
Prof. Felipe Pathé Duarte 

Room (online - zoom) where it will take place: