The Europaeum
A network of eighteen leading European Universities connecting students across disciplines, cultures and countries.
The Europaeum is a ‘university without walls’. Students from the member universities come together in multidisciplinary groups to discuss European issues and to problem-solve in the interests of Europe. Working with its members and with external bodies ranging from the European Parliament to multiple NGOs, its events take places across Europe. Significant public events are also organised from time to time.
The Europaeum network consists of leading European universities whose students and academics benefit from Europaeum activities.
[In alphabetical order by city]
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Freie Universität Berlin
Università di Bologna
University of Copenhagen
Graduate Institute of International & Development Studies, Geneva
Helsingin Yliopisto
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Universiteit Leiden
KU Leuven
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
University of Luxembourg
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
University of Oxford
Univerzita Karlova, Prague
University of St Andrews
University of Tartu
Central European University

Highlight at the Europaeum website:
New Associate Member Announced
The Europaeum is unveiling a new Associate Membership distinction designed for smaller research institutes, think-tanks, and university departments that share our mission to promote academic links between European institutions. The first associate member is the Instituto de Estudos Políticos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (IEP-UCP), a most successful Political Studies department based at the Catholic University, Lisbon. The IEP-UCP is the only Portuguese institution (amongst 19 such acknowledged ) included in the ranking of the World's Top Public Policy Research Organizations.
The IEP-UCP has collaborated with the Europaeum for a number of years (see international debate above) thereby strengthening our ties to Portuguese academia. In the past, the IEP-UCP has worked with the Europaeum on joint events such as the Brussels policy-making seminars, helped to fund Portuguese students on the Europaeum MA in European History and Civilisation, and regularly includes a special international graduate student debate led by Europaeum students at its annual summer school - conference.
The Europaeum welcomes the Institute and looks forward to further successful collaborations!