The core virtue of the tutorial system, according to the longstanding experience of Oxford and Cambridge, would seem to reside in the privilege awarded tutees: that of regularly meeting, in very reduced numbers, a professor able to provide students with a very special level of attention. From the tutor’s point of view, the advantage lies in being able to work with students on themes of particular interest and relevance to their own research. In Oxford, various great works trace their origins back to such tutorial sessions. 

The system has been enacted in the IEP-UCP and leaving the greatest possible scope for gradual and not necessary "universal" adaptations and hence endowing the flexibility for particular solutions able to meet the particular needs present. 

The selection of themes is left entirely to the responsibility of the tutor, in conjunction with their tutees. On occasion, in Oxford and Cambridge, a tutor may "hand on" one of his/her tutees to a peer to provide one or more sessions on more specific issues. Naturally, this is undertaken following appropriate prior contact between the respective members of staff.

In the case of the Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree programs, the tutorial themes may be designed to structure a thesis plan, specifically dealing with authors, concepts and similar.

Tutorias de Mestrado



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