IEP Public Evaluations - April 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 12:13

If you wish to attend any of the events below, please register for the following e-mail:

April 15 – 3pm | MA in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies

Student: Andrea Therese Leiras BA
Dissertation Title: The social implications of manipulation via Social Media: The liberal West vs. Autocratic China
Jury’s Constitution:
Supervisor – André Azevedo Alves PhD, assistant professor at the Institute for Political Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Discussant – Samuel de Paiva Pires PhD, invited assistant professor at Universidade da Beira Interior
President – José Tomaz Castello Branco PhD, invited assistant professor at the Institute for Political Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Room (online - zoom) where it will take place:  745-239-3338

April 22 – 3.45pm | Master’s Degree in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense

Student: Rita Valério São Marcos Redondo BA
Dissertation Title: O Papel da ONU na Crise dos Refugiados na Síria
Jury’s Constitution: 
 – Francisco Proença Garcia PhD, associate professor at the Institute for Political Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Discussant – Evanthia Balla PhD, assistant professor, Department of Economics, Universidade de Évora
President – Ivone Moreira PhD, invited assistant professor at the Institute for Political Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Room (online - zoom) where it will take place:

April 30 – 11am | Master’s Degree in Political Science: Governance and International Relations (Mozambique)

Student: Vera Júlio Godinho BA
Dissertation Title: Governação para o Desenvolvimento em Moçambique: Da Governação participativa para a Governação Eletrónica (2015-2018)
Jury’s Constitution:
Supervisor – Francisco Proença Garcia PhD, associate professor at the Institute for Political Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Discussant – Sónia Ribeiro PhD, invited professor at the Institute for Political Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa
President – Mónica Alves Dias Tischler PhD, assistant professor at the Institute for Political Studies at Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Room (online - zoom) where it will take place:  378-204-1592