"Commemorating the Portuguese Revolution of 1974 &
Evaluating the Future of Democracy's Third Wave"
Nesta edição, que recebeu o Alto Patrocínio de S. Exa. o Presidente da República, contamos com a participação de oradores provenientes de vários países como Alemanha, Angola, Estados Unidos da América, França, Guiné Bissau, Hungria, Inglaterra, Itália, Libano, Polónia, Portugal e República Checa, entre outros.,
Os temas em debate incluem os 50 anos do 25 de abril, a Terceira Vaga da Democratização Mundial, O Futuro da Democracia em várias regiões do mundo – Brasil, Índia, Médio Oriente, África; A Guerra na Ucrânia e as Eleições Americanas.
More information:

Estoril Political Forum 2023
26-28 June
"Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad & Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance"

Opening Session:
- Opening Address by Isabel Capeloa Gil
- Opening Adress by Rita Seabra Brito
- Opening Address by João Carlos Espada
Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad
- Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad by Marc F. Plattner
Conservatisms: The Challenges Ahead
- Democratic Conservatism by Matthew Continetti
- The Future of Conservatism by Kevin Hickson
- Beyond Populism? The future of Conservatism in the United States and Canada by Clifford Orwin
Liberalisms: The Challenges Ahead
- Illiberal Progressivism and the Renewal of Democratic Politics by Matt Beech
- Three Challenges to Liberal Democracy by William Galston
- Liberalism and the Challenge of Populism by Alan S. Kahan
- Liberalisms: The Challenges Ahead by Ghia Nodia
George Washington Memorial Dinner: Does Washington Still Matter? Or, Is The 18th Century Still Relevant Today?
- George Washington Memorial Dinner, by António Rebelo de Sousa
- George Washington Memorial Dinner, by HE Randi Charno Levine
China and the West
- The persistent threat of Sharp Power to Democracy by Christopher Walker
Ukraine, Russia and the West
- The moral foundations of rebuilding Ukraine by Dóra Győrffy
- The war in Ukraine and the European Security, by Nuno Severiano Teixeira
13th Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Europe Whole and Free
- 13th Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Europe Whole and Free by João Carlos Espada
- 13th Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Europe Whole and Free by Wilhelm Hofmeister
- 13th Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture: Europe Whole and Free by José Miguel Sardica
Women in Multilateralism: Contributions to Consensus Building
- Women in multilateralism: contributions to consensus building by Satu Suikkari-Kleven
- Women in multilateralism: contributions to consensus building by Laura Londén
- Women in multilateralism: contributions to consensus building by Marta Santos Pais
Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner: Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance
- Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner: Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance by Maria João Araújo
- 650 years of the Luso-British Alliance by José Ribeiro e Castro
- Introduction to Ambassador Chris Sainty by James W. Muller
- Winston Churchill Memorial Dinner: Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance by HE Chris Sainty
- Closing Remarks by Edward Godfrey
CIEP Breakout Session: “Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad”
- Rebuilding Democratic Consensus— At Home and Abroad by Cristina Sá Carvalho
- Liberal Democratic Consensus, Morals and Identity Politics as the
Inevitable Path of Neutral Moral Subjectivation - Will There be a Way
Out? by Manuel Gaspar
The Future of NATO
- NATO’s Future: The Path Forward and the Resource Hurdle by Gary J. Schmitt
Brazil: The Challenges Ahead
- Brasil: mudanças em frente by Carlos Henrique Cardim
- Brazil: Challenges Ahead by Ricardo Sondermann
Luigi Einaudi Memorial Luncheon: The Liberalism of Luigi Einaudi
- The Liberalism of Luigi Einaudi by Angelo Maria Petroni
Celebrating the 650th anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance: on the specificity of Maritime Political Cultures
- Burke’s Conservative Ideas: Following the path of David Hume by Ivone Moreira
Faith and Liberty Lifetime Tribute
- Fé, Liberdade e as Pessoas que me fizeram by Pedro Roseta
Konrad Adenauer Memorial Dinner
- Rebuilding Democratic Consensus at Home and Abroad by Norbert Lammert
Media Reports:
"A dimensão marítima é um fator fundamental para explicar a longevidade da aliança luso-britânica" in Diário de Notícias, 26 Jun. 2023
Miguel Albuquerque, Júdice e Vítor Bento juntam-se no Estoril para debater o “consenso democrático” in Renascença, 26 Jun. 2023
Consenso democrático e rivalidade pluralista in Observador, 26 Jun. 2023
″Houve uma mudança política na Rússia: toda a gente vê que se pode desafiar o czar e sair impune″ in TSF, 27 Jun. 2023
"Rússia está cada vez mais fraca", afirma embaixadora da Ucrânia em Portugal in Renascença, 27 Jun. 2023
Primeiro declínio de um império nuclear está por concluir in RTP Notícias, 27 Jun. 2023
Atlantic Centre apresentado no Estoril Political Forum in República Portuguesa - Defesa Nacional, 28 Jun. 2023
Participação na 31ª edição do "Estoril Political Forum" in Ambassade de France au Portugal, 29 Jun. 2023
E agora, Putin? in Expresso, 30 Jun. 2023
Timothy Garton Ash: "Acreditámos que a liberdade era um processo histórico, esquecemo-nos de que temos de lutar por ela" in Observador, 1 Jul. 2023
The Prigozhin mutiny in History of the Present, 1 Jul. 2023
Timothy Garton Ash: “Acredito numa Europa-potência. Com os Estados Unidos e não contra eles” in PÚBLICO, 2 Jul. 2023
Pedro Roseta recebe prémio Fé e Liberdade atribuído pelo Instituto de Estudos Políticos in Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 3 Jul. 2023
Legado de Konrad Adenauer enaltecido pela Reitora da UCP no Estoril Political Forum in Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 4 Jul. 2023
Ever since 1993, the Annual International Political Studies Meetings (Estoril Political Forum) have brought together academics, students, politicians, business leaders, opinion makers and journalists in an open debate on the issues surrounding politics and international relations.
This international forum is recognised as a program of excellence endowing students and other participants the opportunity to learn and engage with some of the most renowned specialists in the field while simultaneously building up a broad reaching network of international contacts.
The Estoril Political Forum is considered unique within the Portuguese scenario and has already established its position as a landmark in international terms, especially in Anglo-American circles.
This international debating forum is designed for all IEP undergraduate, master and doctoral degree students (under the credit regime) and all other entities and individuals interested in the themes key to Political Science and International Relations.
Throughout the intervening years, the IEP summer courses have attracted over a 6800 participants and speakers.
"(...) we have always made clear our attachment to the classical understanding of the Idea of a University as a place of learning—as Michael Oakeshott, another of our great mentors, used to say. This means the understanding of a University as a place for the pursuit of Truth, the Good and the Beautiful—and not as a place of propaganda. This means the stern defence of Free Speech and the stern refusal of tribalism and of collectivism. This also means the engagement in an on-going pluralistic, civilized conversation, and the refusal of ideological warfare among “unfortunate dichotomies,” as Ralf Dahrendorf, another of our great mentors, used to say."
Prof. João Carlos Espada,
In 30th Annual Edition, 27-29 June, 2022