André Azevedo Alves

Associate Professor with aggregation


André Azevedo Alves holds a PhD in Government from the LSE, an MA in Political Science from the Catholic University of Portugal and a BA in Economics from the University of Porto. He is currently Associate Professor with aggregation at the Catholic University of Portugal's Institute for Political Studies where he is the Coordinator of the Institute for Political Studies' Research Centre. He is also a Reader in Economics, Political Economy and Public Policy (part-time position) at St. Mary’s University, in London. He was also the Director of Centro de Estudos e Sondagens de Opinião (a polling and consultancy unit operating within the University) between 2017 and 2019.
His research interests are in the intersection of political economy, comparative politics, ethics, and political philosophy. He has been an affiliate since its creation in 2015 of the Benedict XVI Centre for the Study of Religion and Society at St. Mary's University, in London, and also, since 2011, a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.

Book Chapter

The Right and Far-Right in the Portuguese Democracy (1974–2022)

André Azevedo Alves (with Marchi, Riccardo). 2022. The Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics

Virtues, Vices and the Responsibilities of Business: An Application of Catholic Social Teaching to the Problems of Corruption and Lobbying

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, André Azevedo). 2022. Religions
Book Chapter

Price Controls and Market Economies

Inês Gregório & André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, André Azevedo). 2021. Christianity and Market Regulation

Uma singular escola ibérica: de Salamanca a Coimbra e Évora

André Azevedo Alves 2021. Universidade Católica Editora
Book Chapter


André Azevedo Alves 2019. O Estado e outros ensaios

O RBI e o pensamento utópico

André Azevedo Alves 2019. Análise Social
Book Chapter

RBI e pensamento utópico: uma visão crítica

André Azevedo Alves (with André Azevedo Alves). 2019. Outros lugares: utopias, distopias, heteropias
Book Chapter

Suárez e a escola de Salamanca

André Azevedo Alves 2019. Francisco Suárez: nos 400 anos da sua morte
Book Chapter

Controlo democrático do orçamento

André Azevedo Alves 2018. Orçamento, economia e democracia: uma proposta de arquitetura institucional

De Salamanca a Coímbra y Évora

André Azevedo Alves 2018. Fundación Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Book Chapter

Scarcity, Economics and Morality: the Contribution of the Late Iberian Scholastics

André Azevedo Alves 2017. The Phenomenon of Scarcity: Being, Man and Society

Teoria Política e Geoestratégia: desafios contemporâneos

André Azevedo Alves 2017. Alêtheia
Book Chapter

Vitoria, the Common Good and the Limits of Political Power

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, André Azevedo). 2017. Studies in the History of Law and Justice
Book Chapter

Vitoria, the Common Good and the Limits of Political Power

André Azevedo Alves 2017. At the Origins of Modernity: Francisco de Vitoria and the Discovery of International Law

Academic staff quality in higher education: an empirical analysis of Portuguese public administration education

André Azevedo Alves (with Sarrico, C.S.). 2016. Higher Education
Book Chapter

As Direitas e o Estado Face ao Mercado

André Azevedo Alves 2016. As Direitas na Democracia Portuguesa: Origens, Percursos, Mudanças e Novos Desafios.

Business Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Analysis in the Light of Catholic Social Teaching with an Application to Whistle-Blowing

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, A.A.). 2016. Heythrop Journal - Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology

Discurso Contemporâneo sobre a Paz e a Guerra à Luz da Teoria da Guerra Justa: uma Leitura dos Desenvolvimentos do Magistério Católico.

André Azevedo Alves 2016. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Book Chapter

Governação e Administração Pública em Portugal no século XXI

André Azevedo Alves 2016. A Investigação Operacional em Portugal: novos desafios, novas ideias - Homenagem ao Professor Luís Valadares Tavares.

No salvation through constitutions: Jasay versus Buchanan and Rawls

André Azevedo Alves (with André Azevedo Alves). 2015. Independent Review


André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, A.A.). 2014. Economic Affairs

In the eye of the storm: Portugal and the European crisis

André Azevedo Alves (with Azevedo Alves, A.). 2014. Portugal in The European Union: Assessing Twenty-Five Years of Integration Experience

Business ethics in the school of salamanca

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, A.A.). 2013. Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics

Direita e esquerda no Séc. XXI

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, André). 2013. Nova Cidadania

Hayek's slippery slope, the stability of the mixed economy and the dynamics of rent seeking

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, A.A.). 2013. Political Studies

The Salamanca School


Virtue and Commerce in Domingo de Soto's Thought: Commercial Practices, Character, and the Common Good

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, A.A.). 2013. Journal of Business Ethics
Book Chapter

«Concepções de Estado e Fundamentos da Prestação de Serviços Públicos» in César Madureira e Maria Ascencio (eds.) Handbook em Administração Pública. Oeiras: Instituto Nacional de Administração, pp. 295-313.

Book Chapter

“Business Ethics in the School of Salamanca” in Christoph Luetge (ed.) Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics. Springer, pp. 207-225.


Gestão Pública e Teoria das Burocracias


O Estado e o novo quadro da Segurança e Defesa Europeia: Desafios e Opções para Portugal (Síntese EuroDefense 19), Lisboa: Centro de Estudos EuroDefense-Portugal.


The portuguese malaise: Structural causes of the crisis and lessons for the eurozone

André Azevedo Alves (with Azevedo Alves, A.). 2011. Economic Affairs
Book Chapter

«Responsabilidade social da empresa, ética e governação: equívocos, tensões e desafios» in Maria Alice Nunes Costa, Maria João Santos, Fernando Miguel Seabra, Fátima Jorge (eds.) Responsabilidade Social - Uma Visão Ibero-Americana (Colecç?...


“Free Market” in Keith Dowding (ed.) Encyclopedia of Power. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, pp. 262-263.


Crise económica e financeira ou cultural e institucional

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, André). 2010. Revista de Economia & Relações Internacionais

O papel do estado social e a regulação independente

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, André). 2010. Revista Liberdade e Cidadania

The Salamanca School


A Análise Dinâmica dos Processos de Mercado

André Azevedo Alves 2009. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia

Gestão Pública: entre a visão clássica da Administração Pública e o novo paradigma da Governação Pública

André Azevedo Alves (with Alves, André). 2009. Revista Enfoques: Ciencia Política y Administración Pública
Book Chapter

“Locke e a Escola de Salamanca” in Carlos Morujão e Luís Moia (eds.) John Locke nos 300 anos da sua morte. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, pp. 165-179.


Estado, Sociedade Civil e Administração Pública

Book Chapter

‘‘Ciências da Administração. Gestão Pública e Governação em Portugal” in José Manuel Moreira, Carlos Jalali, André Azevedo Alves (eds.) Estado, Sociedade Civil e Administração Pública: para um novo paradigma do serviço público. Co...


Key issues for the training of senior civil servants in the context of public administration reform in Portugal

André Azevedo Alves (with André Azevedo Alves). 2007. Instituto Nacional de Administração

Ordem, liberdade e estado. Uma reflexão crítica sobre a filosofia política em Hayek e Buchanan

André Azevedo Alves (with André Azevedo Alves). 2006. Predicare

The future of Portuguese public administration and a new agenda for public administration sciences in the 21st century

André Azevedo Alves (with Tavares, L.V.). 2006. Public Administration

Cidadania Digital e Democratização Electrónica

Book Chapter

Estudo introdutório da edição portuguesa do livro A Escola Austríaca: Mercado e criatividade empresarial, Lisboa: O Espírito das Leis Editora, pp. 19-38.


O que é a Escolha Pública ?

Book Chapter

Vitoria and Erasmus on the Justice of War

André Azevedo Alves Empire, Humanism and Rights