Mónica Dias

Associate Professor

Generic Bio

Mónica Dias is Director of the Institute for Political Studies of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), where she teaches since 1992. At the IEP, she also organizes the annual Summit of Democracies, a simulation of a meeting of Democratic States for university and school students.

She holds a PhD in Political Science and International Relations from the IEP-UCP and works currently in the field of International Politics focussing on Democracy Studies, Peace Studies and International Conflict as Professor and Senior Researcher.

She graduated and holds a MA in Cultural Studies and besides her academic experience, which includes lecturing at the University of Cologne, Germany, and participating in a Summer Institute in the USA on Federalism (Fulbright), she translated several books and was a lecturer at international youth seminars on multi-cultural Education, Leadership and Conflict Management organised by the European Commission. From 1996 to 2000, she worked at the Portuguese Parliament as consultant for the Committee on Education, Science and Culture.

Book Chapter

A letter to Osama Bin Laden. On healing and conciliation in Sharon Maguire's incendiary

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2016. Mediations of Disruption in Post-Conflict Cinema

Mediations of Disruption in Post-Conflict Cinema

Mónica Dias 2016. Palgrave MacMillan
Book Chapter

 "A Letter to Osama bin Laden. On Healing and Conciliation"

Mónica Dias 2016. Mediations of Disruption in Post-Conflict Cinema
Book Chapter

Liberalismo e institucionalismo internacional

Mónica Dias & Orlando Samões (with Mónica Dias). 2015. Segurança contemporânea

O Momento da Alemanha: Que rumo para a política externa alemã num mundo em transformação?

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2014. Revista de Relações Internacionais
Book Chapter

Jornalismo de Paz: Cobrindo e Descobrindo a Violência de Género nos Conflitos Internacionais

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2013. Gender Violence in Armed Conflicts

A paz imperfeita: uma interpretação do conceito de paz de Woodrow Wilson

Mónica Dias (with Mónica Alves Dias Tischler). 2011. Institute for Political Studies
Book Chapter

Dos guerreiros da paz e dos pacificadores da guerra

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2010. Partíamos como se não fôssemos. Homenagem a Horácio Peixoto de Araújo
Book Chapter

Kann Kultur den Frieden sichtbar machen

Mónica Dias (with Peter Hanenberg). 2010. Rahmenwechsel Kulturwissenschaften
Book Chapter

“Dos guerreiros da paz e dos pacificadores da guerra”

Mónica Dias 2010. “Partíamos como se não fôssemos. Homenagem a Horácio Peixoto de Araújo, Lisboa: Bond.
Book Chapter

“Kann Kultur den Frieden sichtbar machen?“

Mónica Dias 2010. Rahmenwechsel Kulturwissenschaften (2010), Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
Book Chapter

O Arquitecto da Paz

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2009. Os Grandes Mestres da Estratégia
Book Chapter

“O Arquitecto da Paz”

Mónica Dias 2009. Os Grandes Mestres da Estratégia, Coimbra: Almedina
Book Chapter

Portugal: Ein Frühlingsmärchen“? Portrait eines Demokratisierungsprozesses

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2007. Politische Entwicklung nach der Demokratisierung
Book Chapter

Preparar a Paz

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2007. Cultura e Conflito. Culturas de Cidadania.

Investigação sobre a Clareza dos Princípios da Teologia Natural e da Moral de Immanuel Kant

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2006. Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda
Book Chapter

Uma Constituição para a Paz

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2006. Immanuel Kant nos 200 anos da sua morte
Book Chapter

Versuch über das Grübeln in Deutschland

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2006. Von Grüblern und Frühaufstehern
Book Chapter

Im Auftrag des Friedens. Os 30 Anos da Alemanha nas Nações Unidas

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2005. O Colorido da Diferença

O Colorido da Diferença

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2005. Universidade Católica Editora
Book Chapter

From Thucydides to George W. Bush: Revisiting cultural memories in politics to strengthen present and future identities

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2004. Landscapes of Memory

Woodrow Wilson e a Paz Democrática

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2004. Relações Internacionais
Book Chapter

Contradições Electivas

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2001.
Book Chapter

Desejo e Renúncia. A paixão da América segundo Goethe

Mónica Dias (with Veiga, Manuel Alte da). 2001. Contradições Electivas
Book Chapter

Utopian Traces in Conventions between Nations

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 2001. Utopianism / Literary Utopias and National Cultural Identities: A Comparative Perspective
Book Chapter

Heinrich Heine als utopischer Denker Deutschlands

Mónica Dias (with Tischler, Mónica). 1998. Differenz und Identität. Heinrich Heine (1797 – 1856). Europäische Perspektiven im 19.Jahrhundert