



Cartaz Open Day 2024

Team registration 




EPF 2024 Cartaz

Programme available soon.

More Information





2 April
Spring semester 2nd term classes begin (MA and PhD programmes)
2 to 9 April

Evaluation period for the 1st period

10 April
Spring semester 2nd term classes begin

12 April
Book Presentation “O domínio decrescente do MPLA no sistema partidário em Angola (2008-2022)” | Carlos Pacatolo
João António (CESOP-UCP)
Chair: Joana Ramos (Researcher, CIEP-UCP)
Venue and time: Prince Henry, the Navigator. 5pm - 6.15pm
More information:

16 April
Master Dissertation in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies: "Rendimento Básico Incondicional: Análise dos benefícios e riscos da sua aplicação para os jovens sub-30 em Portugal", Rita Saias Ribeiro dos Santos, BA. 
Jury: Prof. Pedro S. Martins, Prof. José Tomaz Castello Branco , Prof. Inês Sofia Gulipa Gregório
Venue and time: Room 421 - 2.30pm

17 April
Book Presentation "A violência contra as mulheres e a violência de género como obstáculo à paz e segurança internacional" | Raquel Véstia
António Fontes Ramos (Professor, IEP-UCP ; Researcher CESOP-UCP)
Chair: Margarida Silva Pereira (Professor FD-UL), Teresa Féria (APMJ), Inês Gregório (Professor IEP-UCP; Researcher CIEP-UCP)
With the presence of Anabela Antunes Director - UCP publisher 
Venue and time: Prince Henry, the Navigator. 5pm - 6.15pm
More information:

19 April
Field trip to Base Naval de Lisboa

23 April
Open Day IEP
Summit of Democracies
"Eleições na Europa e no Mundo"

Team registration

Individual registration


Cartaz: Open Day 2024

25 April
National Holiday 


8 March | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...​
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Mariana Pacheco, MA for her MA Dissertation in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies: "The Role of Women in Armed Conflicts: NATO's Implementation of UNSCR 1325". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 18.
Jury: Prof. Maria Francisca Saraiva, Prof. José Tomaz Castello Branco, Prof. Mónica Dias

13 March | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...​
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Rui Moital, MA for his MA Dissertation in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies: "Minds, Machines and Markets: A Political Analysis of Technological Progress in the World Economy". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 17.
Jury: Prof. Ricardo Ferreira Reis, Prof. William Hasselberger, Prof. Orlando Samões

14 to 16 March
IEP Winter School in Political Theory - 1st Edition
"What is a University?"

Foto 1 Winter School

14 March | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...​
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Maria Patrícia Gonçalves Agrela, MA for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "Venezuela: Da independência de Espanha à crescente dependência do petróleo". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 15.
Jury: Prof. Marcelo Moriconi, Prof. Ivone Moreira, Prof. José Manuel Félix Ribeiro

Foto Defesa Tese - Maria Agrela

18 March | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...​
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Maria Inês Rodrigues, MA for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "Assessing Russia’s Information Warfare in Ukraine (2013-2015)". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 19.
Jury: Prof. Raquel Freire, Prof. Ivone Moreira, Prof. Raquel dos Santos Duque

foto 1 - defesa tese Maria Inês Rodrigues

18 March | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Ana Margarida Andrade, MA for her Master Dissertation in Political Science and International Relations: Security and Defense: "O acolhimento dos refugiados provenientes do Médio Oriente, os direitos humanos e a capacidade de resposta da UE. O caso dos refugiados sírios". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 15.
Jury: Prof. Evanthia Balla, Prof. Ivone Moreira, Prof. Sónia Cristina dos Santos Marques Ribeiro Crisógono

21 March
Open Class "The EU in a New World (Dis)order Implications for the Western Balkans", within the course "European Studies"
foto1 -  Aula Aberta com Durão Barroso 2024
foto2 - Aula Aberta com Durão Barroso 2024





Flyer IEP Alumni Club

The main objective of the IEP Alumni Club is to create lasting relationships by supporting the insertion in the job market, mentoring, collaboration among alumni, and through the organization of academic, cultural, social and recreational activities. It is our belief that this will contribute to the recognition of the IEP as an institution of excellence and the quality of its students.

Read the message by the President of the IEP Alumni Club, Henrique Burnay MA

More information about the IEP Alumni Club:


During the past month, IEP acquired for its library the following books:

  • Aron, Raymond. Liberty and Equality (Princeton, 2023)
  • Coll, Steve. The Achilles Trap: Saddam Hussein, the United States and the Middle East, 1979–2003 (Allen Lane, 2024)
  • ​Hui, Wand. The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought (Harvard, 2024)
  • ​Jacobs, Nicholas F. e Daniel M. Shea. The Rural Voter: The Politics of Place and the Disuniting of America (Columbia, 2024)
  • Jervis, Robert, Diane Labrosse, Stacie Goddard e Joshua Rovner. Chaos Reconsidered: The Liberal Order and the Future of International Politics (Columbia, 2023)
  • Leitão, Luís Menezes. A Revolução e o PREC (Bertrand, 2024)
  • Morgado, Miguel. Introdução ao Conservadorismo (D. Quixote, 2024)
  • Poças, Nuno Gonçalo. O Príncipe da Democracia: Uma Biografia de Francisco Lucas Pires (Bertrand, 2024)
  • ​Terman, Rochelle. The Geopolitics of Shaming: When Human Rights Pressure Works—and When It Backfires (Princeton, 2023)


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                 Nº 81

Also available in the following bookstores: 
Almedina, Férin, Papelaria do Alto (Estoril), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Papelaria Sabóia (Estoril), Tabacaria do Alto (Estoril), Wook, Pingo Doce stores and directly from IEP-UCP!