Admissions IEP
Phone: (+351) 217 214 129
Taught in
Portuguese (however some courses are taught in English - check curriculum)
In person
4 semesters
Estimated cost:
€ 8226
financial rules - new students
CURRICULUM 2024/2025
*The students must choose one of these two courses
Semester | Tradition of Liberty | 6 |
Semester | Filosofia Moral * | 6 |
Semester | Teoria das Relações Internacionais | 6 |
Semester | História do Pensamento Político I | 6 |
Semester | International Seminars | 3 |
Semester | Peace and Security Studies | 6 |
Semester | The Third Wave of Democratization: from 1974 to the present | 3 |
Semester | Democracy in Western Political Thought | 3 |
Semester | Institutions of Governance and Representation | 3 |
Semester | Democracy, Public Choice, Law and Economics | 3 |
Semestral | Sondagens e Estudos de Opinião | 6 |
Semester | Jornalismo, Política & Espaço Público | 3 |
semestral | Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions | 3 |
Semestral | Ação Climática | 3 |
Semester | Contemporary International Politics | 6 |
Semester | Democracy in Western Political Thought | 3 |
Semester | The Third Wave of Democratization: from 1974 to the present | 3 |
semestral | Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions | 3 |
Semestral | Ação Climática | 3 |
Semester | Economia Política | 6 |
Semester | Doutrina Social da Igreja | 6 |
Semester | Métodos de Investigação Científica | 6 |
Semester | International Meeting in Political Studies | 6 |
Semester | História do Pensamento Político II | 6 |
Semester | Ideologias Políticas: As Seis Revoluções da Era Moderna | 6 |
Semestral | International Seminars in Area Studies | 6 |
Semester | The Vital Centre 2025 | 6 |
Semester | International Security and Grand Strategy | 6 |
Semester | Política Externa e Diplomacia | 6 |
Semester | European Studies | 6 |
Semester | Estratégia, Inteligência e Gestão de Crises | 6 |
Semestral | International Seminars in Area Studies | 6 |
Semestral | Life Below Water SDG#14 | 5 |
Semestral | Educação de Qualidade ODS #4 | 3 |
Semester | The Third Wave of Democratization: from 1974 to the present | 3 |
Semester | Democracy in Western Political Thought | 3 |
Semester | Institutions of Governance and Representation | 3 |
Semester | Democracy, Public Choice, Law and Economics | 3 |
Semestral | Liberalismo, Conservadorismo e Radicalismo | 6 |
Semester | Jornalismo, Política & Espaço Público | 3 |
semestral | Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions | 3 |
Semester | Contemporary International Politics | 6 |
Semester | The Third Wave of Democratization: from 1974 to the present | 3 |
Semester | Democracy in Western Political Thought | 3 |
semestral | Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions | 3 |
Semestral | Thesis | 42 |
Taught in
Portuguese (however some courses are taught in English - check curriculum)
In person
4 semesters
Estimated cost:
€ 8226
financial rules - new students
Taught in
Portuguese (however some courses are taught in English - check curriculum)
In person
4 semesters
Estimated cost:
€ 8226
financial rules - new students