1 May
National Holiday
7 May
Round Table – "Globalização e Segurança Nacional: Informações e Sistema de Informações"
Speaker: Paulo Vizeu Pinheiro (Secretário-Geral do Sistema de Segurança Interna)
Discussants: José Conde Rodrigues (GRES), Adriana Martins (CIEP-UCP), António Figueiredo Lopes (GRES)
Chair: Francisco Seixas da Costa (GRES)
Hosts: Mónica Dias (Director IEP-UCP, Professor IEP-UCP, Researcher IEP-UCP), Nelson Lourenço (FCSH-UNL)
Venue and time: Room Prince Henry, The Navigator (IEP)
8 May
Book Presentation: “Introdução ao Conservadorismo” | Miguel Morgado (CIEP-UCP)
Discussant: Francisco Garcia (IEP-UCP)
Chair: Daniela Silva (Researcher, CIEP-UCP)
Venue and time: Room Prince Henry, The Navigator (IEP)

14 May
Conference LED-CIEP-SACRU: "Towards a Virtue Ethics for Autonomous Vehicles"
Venue and time: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland - 17h00
More information:
15 May
IEP Colloquia
"1974-2024 Cinquenta anos depois o que se segue?"
Venue and time: A2 - 2pm to 6pm
More information:
17 May
Make-up day (BA, MA, PhD)
23 May
Model NATO 2024 | Strikfornato, Oeiras

25 May
End of the classes of the Spring Semester (BA, MA, PhD)
27 May to 21 June
Evaluation period of the Spring Semester (BA, MA, phD)
30 May
National Holiday
Nova Cidadania Journal
Subscribe and get the Journal at your door!
Nº 82

Also available in the following bookstores:
Almedina, Férin, Papelaria do Alto (Estoril), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Papelaria Sabóia (Estoril), Tabacaria do Alto (Estoril), Wook, Pingo Doce stores and directly from IEP-UCP!
12 April
Book Debate: "O Domínio Crescente do MPLA no Sistema Partidário em Angola (2008-2022)"
Speaker: Carlos Pacatolo, autor
Chair: Manuel Braga da Cruz, Emmeritus Professor IEP-UCP, Emmeritus Researcher IEP-UCP
Discussant: João António, Researcher CIEP-UCP; Technical-Director CESOP-UCP
With the presence: Anabela Antunes, Director UCP Press

16 April | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Rita Saias Ribeiro dos Santos, MA for her MA Dissertation in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies: "Rendimento Básico Incondicional: Análise dos benefícios e riscos da sua aplicação para os jovens sub-30 em Portugal". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 18.
Jury: Prof. Pedro S. Martins, Prof. José Tomaz Castello Branco, Prof. Inês Sofia Gulipa Gregório
17 April
Book Apresentation: "A Violência Contra as Mulheres e a Violência de Género - Como Obstáculo à Paz e Segurança Internacional"
Speaker: Raquel Véstia, autor
Chair: Inês Gregório, Professor IEP-UCP, Researcher CIEP-UCP
Discussant: Teresa Féria, President, APMJ; António Fontes Ramos, Professor IEP-UCP, Margarida Silva Pereira, Professor FD-UL
With the presence: Anabela Antunes, Director UCP Press
19 April
Field trip to Base Naval de Lisboa

19 April | The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends...
The Institute for Political Studies hereby congratulates and commends Nicole Dorfman, MA for her MA Dissertation in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies: "The Conflict Over The Malvinas/Falklands - Perspectives For A Renewed Confrontation Or A Negotiated Settlement". The candidate was approved with the final classification of 18.
Jury: Prof. Luís Fernando Machado Barroso, Prof. José Tomaz Castello Branco, Prof. António Fontes Ramos

23 April
XI Summit of Democracies - IEP Open Day
“Elections in Europe and around the world". Students from x high schools attended this event.
Speaker: Maria Castello-Branco, Alumna, IEP-UCP and Political Advisor

More photos available soon

The main objective of the IEP Alumni Club is to create lasting relationships by supporting the insertion in the job market, mentoring, collaboration among alumni, and through the organization of academic, cultural, social and recreational activities. It is our belief that this will contribute to the recognition of the IEP as an institution of excellence and the quality of its students.
Read the message by the President of the IEP Alumni Club, Henrique Burnay MA
More information about the IEP Alumni Club:
During the past month, IEP acquired for its library the following books:
- ARON, Raymond. L'Europe selon Aron (Calmann-Levy, 2024)
- AZIZI, Arash. What Iranians Want: Women, Life, Freedom (Oneworld, 2024)
- BARENBERG, Ala. The Gulag: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2024)
- BURUMA, Ian. Spinoza: Freedom's Messiah (Yale, 2024)
- DAVIS, Michael C. Freedom Undone: The Assault on Liberal Values and Institutions in Hong Kong (Association for Asian Studies, 2024)
- FERNANDES, Alex. The Carnation Revolution: The Day Portugal's Dictatorship Fell (Oneworld, 2024)
- HAHN, Steven. Illiberal America: A History (Norton, 2024)
- KUISZ, Jaroslaw. The New Politics of Poland (Manchester, 2024)
- RYBACK, Timothy. Takeover (Headline, 2024)
- RYNNING, Sten. NATO: From Cold War to Ukraine, a History of the World’s Most Powerful Alliance (Yale, 2024)
- SCIUTTO, Jim. The Return of Great Powers: Russia, China, and the Next World War (Dutton, 2024)
- ZAKARIA, Fareed. Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present (Allen Lane, 2024)